Posts in Sleep Training
The Four Month Sleep Regression

Up until four months, your baby goes through “newborn sleep cycles”, or short and irregular ones. Once they hit that four month mark (give or take a few weeks. Every baby is different!), their sleep patterns start to turn into “adult sleep cycles”, where they become more consistent and more predictable. With all of that change and development going on in their little brains, of course there will be some interrupted sleep! It’s a big deal to go through these changes!

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Why is My Baby Waking Up All Night?

"Jessalyn, I'm feeling kind of defeated. My baby has perfect wake windows, he's eating and growing, he knows how to fall asleep independently, but he will not stay asleep for the life of me." Sound familiar?

Well, after doing some digging (I kind of feel like a detective 🕵🏻‍♀️ when I do this, especially in consultations. Not mad about it!) she said that her baby keeps making noises and grunting in the night, so in fear of him waking up, she hurries over to him, pops the binky in to help him "stay asleep", and within minutes he's awake and crying. This entire process repeats over and over throughout the night.

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