You Were Made for This.

I've been pretty open on IG about the fact that I have been struggling lately. I have a child going through some hard things right now, another family member struggling with health issues, and it's just been a lot to handle. Like, A LOT. (If you want to hear the whole podcast episode, listen here: You Are the Perfect Mom For Your Baby.)

But as I've been trying to navigate this new kind of hardship, I've been reminded of my own experiences that I've had in my life that have led me to this point. I struggled with something identical as a kid which is why I've been able to recognize the signs in my own child. And because I know exactly how it feels, I've been able to advocate and respond the way I know my child needs.

All this to say, I truly believe that everything we go through in life makes us the perfect mom for our babies. Everything we go through gives us experience so that someday, we will know exactly how to empathize, advocate, respond or help.

So, if you've ever wondered if you're cut out for this whole mom thing, you are. And more than that, you're perfectly created to be YOUR baby's mom, because nobody could do it better than you.

Rooting for you, always!
