Why Does My Baby Grunt All Night?

Have you ever met a baby that doesn't make noises? I haven't. Babies come into this world and EVERYTHING is new, including digesting formula or breastmilk. Because of this, chances are your baby is going to grunt and make noises often. And if your baby is like mine, it'll be in the middle of the night when we are all trying to sleep! They may feel gassy, constipated or simply uncomfortable while their digestive system is working itself out. And that's okay! Remember, this is normal.

While it is normal, there are a few things I try to do to help my baby be as comfortable as possible:

  1. Burp, burp, burp, burp. Honestly, for the first 2-3 months, if my baby is not eating or sleeping, I am burping them. Those little bubbles can get trapped in there and cause discomfort so the more burps I can get out, the better!

  2. Pump their legs or do bicycles with their legs after feedings. This can help move things around down there, if you know what I mean.

  3. If your baby seems to be in pain, try some gas drops. I offer these right before a feeding and it seems to help quite a bit.

  4. Understand that this is just part of being a baby and they WILL grow out of it. If you think there is a deeper issue, talk to your doctor about acid reflux and see if they can help.

I notice my babies' tummies improve drastically after about 3 months. Again, it takes time, but they'll get there!

You’ve got this.
