Posts in Tips and Tricks
Tips for Traveling with a Baby

I have four children and am obsessed with sleep (nobody is shocked I became a baby sleep consultant), so trust me when I say I totally understand the stress leading up to traveling with babies! As a new mom, so many questions would circle through my head and I know I’m not alone in this. What if they skip a nap? Will they sleep in a new location? What if we’re going to a new time zone? Will they ever adjust?

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What is "safe sleep" ?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “safe sleep” before, but what does that even mean? According to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), safe sleep means that you put your baby to sleep in a way that helps protect them from danger.

As a new mom, I was always worried about whether or not I was doing things right. My goal has always been to provide a safe, loving and healthy environment for my kids, and I want that for you, too! Lucky for us, there has been a ton of research done that helps us know will help keep our babies safe.

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Let's Talk About the Power Nap

First, let’s talk about what a “power nap” is and why it’s important! The power nap is the last nap of the day leading up to bedtime, and should last no longer than 30 minutes. The entire purpose of this short nap is to give your baby just enough sleep to help your baby make it to bedtime without getting overtired, but not too much sleep that it makes it difficult for your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep at bedtime.

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You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup

Recently, I had more meltdowns than I’d like to admit. It felt like everyday I was waking up anxious, and ending the day feeling totally defeated.

My kids were constantly fighting, I was trying to get some work done while being yelled at by toddlers (anyone else?!🤪), my house was a mess, I had sick kids who weren’t sleeping, and I was overall a hot mess, to say the least.

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Toddler Bedtime Battles

First, it’s important to understand why bedtime is such a power struggle for toddlers. In case you hadn’t noticed, toddlers love to feel a sense of being in control. This means they’ll likely start saying things like “no”, or “do it myself!” frequently. This is a very normal and very healthy part of their development! This is the age they start to develop autonomy, which will serve them well as they continue to become more and more independent. Unfortunately, this part of development does not serve you well when it’s time for bed😂.

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Are Naps on-the-go Okay?

Have you ever tried to nap in a car or on an airplane? Do you wake up feeling totally rested or kinda blah?

For me, I always feel kinda blah. I mean, sure, I fell asleep. But my body was in motion so it couldn’t get into a real, deep sleep.

Babies are the same way! It’s pretty hard for their body to get good, restorative sleep if they are on the move every time they go to sleep.

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When to Move to a Four Hour Schedule

For the first few months of your baby’s life, they will likely eat every 3 hours and take a nap every 1-1.5 hours, which is known as the “3 hour schedule”. However, as your baby gets older, they will start to stay awake longer between naps, as well as go longer between feedings - about 4 hours. At this point, your baby will move to what is called a “4 hour schedule”.

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I Want to Sleep Train But....

If I answered all of the questions on here, it would be a novel, so I’m going to do a podcast episode about (stay tuned for that!), but one response kept popping up that I wanted to address: I want to sleep train but I’m too tired to be consistent".

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, with my method, sleep training typically looks like one week of consistency for a lifetime of sleep.

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