One Way to Get Better Sleep

As a baby sleep consultant, I’m often asked “how can I get my baby to sleep better!?”. And while I have a ton of resources to help with this question, I know that when you’re exhausted, you simply want a short, to-the-point answer. So, that’s exactly what I’m going to give you! 


Use a sleep trigger. Seriously, it’s that simple. A sleep trigger is something you use consistently that lets your baby know that it’s time to go to sleep. Sleep triggers are things that can be brought with you anywhere you go, helping your baby sleep consistently, even if they are sleeping in various locations. 

My number one sleep trigger recommendation is this sleep sack because it’s lightweight, easy to use, carries a familiar scents around with it, and is an extremely safe sleep association to have. Whether you’re using The Melli Sleep Sack in the crib, on your baby’s lap in the car or stroller, or in a hotel room, this cozy product will provide a sense of familiarity and security for your baby, all while telling their brain it’s time to sleep.

So, if I could tell you one way to start getting better sleep today, it would be to introduce your baby to this sleep trigger, give it a week, and see what happens!

