What is "safe sleep" ?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “safe sleep” before, but what does that even mean? According to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), safe sleep means that you put your baby to sleep in a way that helps protect them from danger.

As a new mom, I was always worried about whether or not I was doing things right. My goal has always been to provide a safe, loving and healthy environment for my kids, and I want that for you, too! Lucky for us, there has been a ton of research done that helps us know will help keep our babies safe.

  1. Put baby to sleep on their back. Yes, when they start to roll over they become tummy sleepers and my pediatrician has ok’d this for me. But I always, always put them to sleep on their back.

  2. Have a firm mattress with nothing soft in the crib — no stuffed animals, blankets, etc. If your baby keeps getting their arms or legs stuck, they do make mesh, breathable bumpers now!

  3. A sleep sack is the best and safest way to keep baby warm enough. I recommend using the Melli Baby Sleep Sack:)

  4. Use a pacifier if they take one. The sucking motion has been proven to help prevent SIDS along with many other benefits.

  5. Have air flow. Be sure to have a fan going, air conditioning, or something that helps the room have good air flow.

  6. Keep baby close but in their own bassinet/bed in those early months. This is a personal choice but studies also show this is beneficial and safe for baby.

I hope you know you’re doing all the right things, and your baby is so lucky to have a parent like you ♥

