This is going to be your year, mama. The year you prioritize YOU so that you can be the best version of yourself . Because when you take care of you, you can better take care of your babies:)
Read MoreDid you know that using a sleep sack can promote better sleep? Imagine trying to sleep on top of a cold, hard mattress with zero blankets to provide comfort or warmth. Now imagine you sleeping inside a cozy, breathable blanket made of soft, organic bamboo material. Which situation sounds more appealing to you!?
Read MoreWith the holidays coming up, chances are you’re feeling a little bit stressed about your baby’s sleep schedule getting interrupted with all of the places you need to be! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’ve been there with all 4 of my babies, and I’ve learned a thing or two over the years:)
Read MoreWhen we were students, we had our little girl at that time and planned to travel home for the holidays. I had worked hard to teach her how to sleep, but I was a little nervous taking her to a new location, in a new bed, and wondered if all of my hard work was about to go out the window😅.
Guess what happened? She slept 12.5 hours every night the entire week we were there, and everyone was blown away.
Read MoreDid you know that having a consistent bedtime routine is a simple yet effective way to help your baby learn how to sleep? Having a predictable routine at bedtime lets your baby’s body know it’s time to wind down, relax, and get ready for sleep. Bonus: studies show if you can gently engage all 5 senses in the routine (look, listen, taste, touch and smell), it can help solidify the routine and promote better sleep!
Read MoreWhen I was a little kid, I knew I felt better when I got good sleep. As I’ve gotten older, the affects of sleep deprivation have become more and more tangible. Whenever I get less sleep, I FEEL my anxiety increase, I’m irritable, forgetful, I experience brain fog and I am never as productive as I’d like to be. For my kids, their emotions are always heightened, they are also more irritable, they fight more with each other, drag through sports practice and homework, and overall feel less like themselves.
Read MoreThe short answer? Absolutely! Using a sleep sack is one of my favorite ways to help my baby continue to sleep well, all the way into toddlerhood! As soon as my baby starts to roll from their back to their tummy, I make the transition out of the swaddle and into the sleep sack.
Read MoreMy first two babies took binkies right away, but my third gave me a run for my money with it! However, it was important to me that she took a binky for many reasons (acts as a sleep trigger, helps prevent SIDS, helps with acid reflux, to name a few), so I kept going and after a few months, it was a huge success. If you’re finding your baby is struggling to take the binky but you want it to happen, don’t lose hope!
Read MoreI have four children and am obsessed with sleep (nobody is shocked I became a baby sleep consultant), so trust me when I say I totally understand the stress leading up to traveling with babies! As a new mom, so many questions would circle through my head and I know I’m not alone in this. What if they skip a nap? Will they sleep in a new location? What if we’re going to a new time zone? Will they ever adjust?
Read MoreAs a baby sleep consultant, I’m often asked “how can I get my baby to sleep better!?”. And while I have a ton of resources to help with this question, I know that when you’re exhausted, you simply want a short, to-the-point answer. So, that’s exactly what I’m going to give you!
Use a sleep trigger. Seriously, it’s that simple.
Read MoreI’m sure you’ve heard the term “safe sleep” before, but what does that even mean? According to the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics), safe sleep means that you put your baby to sleep in a way that helps protect them from danger.
As a new mom, I was always worried about whether or not I was doing things right. My goal has always been to provide a safe, loving and healthy environment for my kids, and I want that for you, too! Lucky for us, there has been a ton of research done that helps us know will help keep our babies safe.
Read MoreThere’s nothing quite like getting your baby out of bed, only to find out they are soaking wet and peed through their diaper, jammies, AND sleep sack😅.
If you’re finding your baby is waking up wet, here are a few things you can try:
Read MoreFirst, let’s talk about what a “power nap” is and why it’s important! The power nap is the last nap of the day leading up to bedtime, and should last no longer than 30 minutes. The entire purpose of this short nap is to give your baby just enough sleep to help your baby make it to bedtime without getting overtired, but not too much sleep that it makes it difficult for your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep at bedtime.
Read MoreMy entire life growing up, I shared a room with my sister and my brothers shared a room as well. Room-sharing is all I ever knew! I truly never thought anything of it. However, when we had our 3rd baby and were in a 3 bedroom house, I started to panic knowing that two of my kids would have to share a room and what that might do to their sleep.
Read MoreWill your baby only sleep if he/she is in your bed with you? This one’s for you😘
If you co-sleep and want to keep it that way, go for it. Remember, you’re the boss! I’m not here to tell you what to do:)
However, if you are co-sleeping but you’re ready to move your baby to his/her own bed, here’s how:
Read MoreRecently, I had more meltdowns than I’d like to admit. It felt like everyday I was waking up anxious, and ending the day feeling totally defeated.
My kids were constantly fighting, I was trying to get some work done while being yelled at by toddlers (anyone else?!🤪), my house was a mess, I had sick kids who weren’t sleeping, and I was overall a hot mess, to say the least.
Read MoreFirst, it’s important to understand why bedtime is such a power struggle for toddlers. In case you hadn’t noticed, toddlers love to feel a sense of being in control. This means they’ll likely start saying things like “no”, or “do it myself!” frequently. This is a very normal and very healthy part of their development! This is the age they start to develop autonomy, which will serve them well as they continue to become more and more independent. Unfortunately, this part of development does not serve you well when it’s time for bed😂.
Read More“My newborn baby sleeps all day and is awake all night! It’s like her days and nights are switched. HELP!”
Let me start by saying this is completely normal. They simply haven’t developed the internal clock yet that we have.
Our brains know that light = awake and dark = sleep. Their little brains don’t understand that...yet.
Read MoreCluster feeding is when your baby eats lots of little meals close together. For example, your baby eats at 7pm but is hungry again at 7:45, 9:00 and 9:30, then eats on more time before bed at 10:00. This usually happens at night when your baby is gearing up for bedtime, but it can also happen throughout the day.
Read MoreHave you ever tried to nap in a car or on an airplane? Do you wake up feeling totally rested or kinda blah?
For me, I always feel kinda blah. I mean, sure, I fell asleep. But my body was in motion so it couldn’t get into a real, deep sleep.
Babies are the same way! It’s pretty hard for their body to get good, restorative sleep if they are on the move every time they go to sleep.
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