Holiday Sleep Survival Guide

With the holidays coming up, chances are you’re feeling a little bit stressed about your baby’s sleep schedule getting interrupted with all of the places you need to be! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’ve been there with all 4 of my babies, and I’ve learned a thing or two over the years:) 

First, know that it’s totally okay to say no as often as you want to! If you want to stay home this holiday season, go for it! You get to decide that, nobody else. 

However, if you DO want to attend all of the festivities, but want to make sure your baby is still getting enough sleep, here are 5 things you can do to help your baby get sleep, no matter what parties you go to.

  1. Offer an extra power nap before OR during the party, especially if you know you’ll be out later than normal.

  2. Bring a pack n’ play and put baby down at their normal bedtime! Bring sleep triggers (Like the Melli Baby Sleep Sack and a sound machine) to help your baby fall asleep quickly. You can always transfer them when it’s time to leave.

  3. Hire a babysitter. If you know your baby can sleep, having someone you trust be in charge of bedtime that night will be no problem.

  4. Plan for an early bedtime the night before and the night after the party. This is an easy way to get extra sleep!

  5. Understand that this is a temporary thing, so if your baby skips a nap or has a late bedtime, try not to let it ruin your holiday! It might be a rough day or two, but know that soon your baby will be right back on track. 

Remember, YOU are the boss of your baby. That means YOU get to decide what boundaries to hold during this holiday season. It’s okay to say no, make adjustments as needed, and most of all, do what makes you and your family happiest. 

Happy Holidays!

