Toddler Bedtime Battles

Are you dreading bedtime with your toddler because you know it’s going to be a battle every single time? If so, you are not alone!

First, it’s important to understand why bedtime is such a power struggle for toddlers. In case you hadn’t noticed, toddlers love to feel a sense of being in control. This means they’ll likely start saying things like “no”, or “do it myself!” frequently. This is a very normal and very healthy part of their development! This is the age they start to develop autonomy, which will serve them well as they continue to become more and more independent. Unfortunately, this part of development does not serve you well when it’s time for bed😂.

So, what can you do to make bedtime go more smoothly? Here are two simple tips that can make a huge difference:

  1. Give your toddler as many, two-option choices as you can leading up to bedtime. Examples include, “do you want to wear the red jammies or the blue jammies today? Do you want me to turn on the sound machine or you to turn on the sound machine?”. Do you see how these are things we will be doing anyways, but I’m giving my child the opportunity to choose one option so they fill up that cup of control😉.

  2. Get to the source of the problem and create a simple solution. For example: If you realize your toddler doesn’t want to go to bed because your child will miss you, put a picture of you on their nightstand and give them a stuffy to hug in the night. If they are scared of the dark, use a soft nightlight. If you can find the main source of the problem, it’s easier to offer simple solutions!

These two simple tricks can make such a difference at bedtime! However, if you are wanting a deeper dive into this topic, check out THIS episode on The Sleep Fairy Way Podcast.

