You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup

Recently, I had more meltdowns than I’d like to admit. It felt like everyday I was waking up anxious, and ending the day feeling totally defeated.

My kids were constantly fighting, I was trying to get some work done while being yelled at by toddlers (anyone else?!🤪), my house was a mess, I had sick kids who weren’t sleeping, and I was overall a hot mess, to say the least.

I realized that during this chaotic time, I had slowly stopped taking care of me. I wasn’t making time to work out, get dressed, put on makeup, listen to a podcast or fill my cup in any way.

As soon as I realized this, I started to prioritized me again. The amazing part is almost immediately, I felt a shift. I felt capable, calm and just overall happier.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

In this busy season of life, I want you to remember to prioritize YOU. Give yourself time, attention and love. Take care of you so that you can better take care of them:)

