How to Introduce the Binky
My first two babies took binkies right away, but my third gave me a run for my money with it! However, it was important to me that she took a binky for many reasons (acts as a sleep trigger, helps prevent SIDS, helps with acid reflux, to name a few), so I kept going and after a few months, it was a huge success. If you’re finding your baby is struggling to take the binky but you want it to happen, don’t lose hope!
Here’s what I recommend:
Choose one and stick to it. Trying 17 different kinds only makes it more confusing for your baby. Stick to one, and give it time.
Offer it throughout the day multiple times, especially during wake time.
Offer it at night and for naps, so your baby is relaxed and the sucking reflex is strong.
Keep trying and don’t give up!
The best part? Once your baby can replace it themselves (around 6 months), it’ll help them get back to sleep no matter why they woke up! And if you have a Melli Baby Sleep Sack, it’ll make sure that binky never gets lost:)