Tips for Traveling with a Baby

I have four children and am obsessed with sleep (nobody is shocked I became a baby sleep consultant), so trust me when I say I totally understand the stress leading up to traveling with babies! As a new mom, so many questions would circle through my head and I know I’m not alone in this. What if they skip a nap? Will they sleep in a new location? What if we’re going to a new time zone? Will they ever adjust?

The good news is, babies are so resilient, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things we can do to help everyone’s travel experience go as smoothly as possible.

If you’re planning to travel, I’ve got you covered! Here are 3 simple tips that will help you enjoy your vacation and let the stress of sleep go:)

  1. Stick to your baby’s schedule the best you can to help them stay in a routine, if possible. Feed them at their normal feed times, offer naps at their normal nap times, and have plenty of wake time like you would at home.

  2. Bring those sleep triggers! The more familiar you can help your baby feel with their sleep environment, the easier it will be for them to sleep. I highly recommend bringing their sleep sack wherever you go! This is the perfect thing to help them feel safe and secure, promoting better sleep in any location.

  3. Plan for an early bedtime. Chances are, they will take a short nap (or skip one!) during your travel, day, and that’s okay! Plan for an early bedtime when you can to make up for less day sleep.

The most important thing to remember is that eventually, you’ll be back home in your routine. So, if a nap is skipped or bedtime is later, it’ll be okay! Enjoy your trip, do your best, and you’ll be back on track before you know it:)

