When Your Baby's Diaper Leaks at Night

There’s nothing quite like getting your baby out of bed, only to find out they are soaking wet and peed through their diaper, jammies, AND sleep sack😅.

If you’re finding your baby is waking up wet, here are a few things you can try:

  1. Size up in a nighttime diaper! I didn’t know they made diapers specifically for nighttime until this became an issue with my baby, but they are so much more absorbent than regular diapers! Sizing up will provide just a little extra space as well.

  2. Fold the top of the diaper inward and down, creating a little lip at the top to trap any liquids from falling out. This made such a difference for my babies!

  3. Feed your baby 30 minutes before bedtime then change their diaper immediately before bedtime. Often parents worry this will mess with their baby’s sleep, but remember, eating and sleeping are different skills! If you eat dinner at 5:30 or 6:00, do you sleep any differently that night? Of course not! Babies are humans, too:)

  4. Keep an extra set of jammies and sleep sack (these are the best:) on hand just in case. You don’t want to have to turn lights on and wake your baby up more than you have to if you do end up having to change them.

Like will most things, if your baby is struggling with this, it is a phase and it will get better with time:)

