Let's Talk About the Power Nap

Have you ever wondered when your baby should take a power nap, why they should take it, and when it’s time to drop it? If so, you’re in the right place!

First, let’s talk about what a “power nap” is and why it’s important! The power nap is the last nap of the day leading up to bedtime, and should last no longer than 30 minutes. The entire purpose of this short nap is to give your baby just enough sleep to help your baby make it to bedtime without getting overtired, but not too much sleep that it makes it difficult for your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep at bedtime.

So, when does this power nap start and at what point is it time to drop it? I recommend starting the power nap as soon as you start sleep training your baby. If you’ve followed my method, you know I recommend starting at 4 weeks, which is right when you can start paying closer attention to this power nap. Although the time of the power nap changes as your baby’s schedule changes, you can plan on holding onto this power nap until about 7 months! Once your baby is ready for longer wake windows, you can go ahead and drop it.

If you aren’t sure what longer wake windows look like for your baby, I have a FREE Wake Windows Guide you can grab HERE.

Keep in mind, because the power nap is never established as a real nap, you can offer this nap in any location that works for you! I like to wear my babies for this nap so we can snuggle while I get some things done❤️.

