Posts in Naps
Let's Talk Postpartum Healing

I just want you to know that it’s perfectly okay to give yourself as much time as you need to heal after having a baby.

Your body just went through so much while creating, growing and delivering a HUMAN BEING! It’s honestly the most miraculous thing.

And yet, for some reason our society wants us to think we should “bounce back”, button up our jeans ( no thanks) and continue on like we didn’t just create life with our body.

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How to Adjust Your Baby's Schedule for Daylight Savings

It’s that time of year again, where most of you have to change your clocks for Daylight Savings! If you join me in Arizona, you won’t have to do that:) Just sayin!

The easiest way to prepare your baby for the time change coming up is to to move your baby’s schedule back by 10-15 minutes for the few days leading up to the time change. If you’re reading this and you totally forgot to adjust the schedule ahead of time, don’t worry at all! This same change can be made the few days after the clocks have turned.

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