What is a Good Wake Window for My Baby?

When you hear the term “wake windows,” or “wake time,” it means the amount of time your baby is awake between naps or between naps/bedtime. ⁣⁣Wake windows play a huge role in the sleep training process.

Not Tired Enough vs. Overtired

If your baby sleeps all day and has short wake windows, chances are they’ll be awake a lot more at night. However, If your baby stays awake too long during the day they can get overtired, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep in the night.

Wake windows will slowly increase as your baby gets older, but how do you know when that is?⁣⁣ (Check out my FREE Wake Windows guide HERE!)

Keep in mind that every baby is different! Try to stick in this range but if your baby can’t, it’s okay! Slowly work towards these windows:⁣⁣

General Guide for Wake Windows by Age

If you are looking for a list of Wake Windows by age, check out my free Wake Windows guide. If there is one wake window that I had to choose to make the biggest difference in your baby’s sleep, it would be the wake window between the last nap of the day and bedtime. ⁣⁣If all other wake times are off for the day, try to make that last one as close to these times as possible.

Is your baby pretty close to their age range? ⁣⁣Could they use a little push to stay awake longer? ⁣⁣Are they staying awake too long and getting overtired, making it hard to sleep?⁣

Remember, you know your baby best so follow their cues and make adjustments where you need to.

Happy napping!
