Remember to Take Care of YOU

A few months ago, I was an absolute mess. My kids had been fighting a lot all week, my toddler was sick, my house was a mess, I was trying to get caught up on work, I slept in because I was up at night with my sick child and therefore didn’t get a chance to work out, and I was living off of leftover gluten-free funfetti cake (I do not regret this decision!)

You’ve been there, right? When you feel like all of those things you’ve been trying to balance come crashing down at once and you’re not really sure where to start to clean it up? So instead you just cry? Just me?

Changing My Mindset

After crying and complaining and feeling overwhelmed, I had a thought: “You haven’t been taking care of you”. I pushed back a little, thinking, “Well how can I take care of me when XYZ?”

And then I remembered what I’m constantly saying, YOU CANNOT POUR FROM AN EMPTY CUP. Trust me, I’ve tried and 100% of the time I end up breaking down.

So, the next few weeks I scheduled time to work out, get dressed and put some makeup on so that I could slowly start filling my cup first. And by making these tiny changes, I saw AND felt the biggest difference in my overall mood. It’s like night and day compared to that dark time, and I feel like I can show up for my family, my home, and for you now.

Coming out of this season of giving, I want you to remember to give to yourself as well. Give yourself time, attention and love. Take care of you so that you can better take care of them.

You are worth it!
