Mom Guilt

Let's talk about mom guilt for a minute.

Raise your hand if this is something you struggle with… I’m sure so many hands are going up!

Honestly, I struggle with this more than I like to admit. What's ridiculous is I KNOW better. I know that deep down, the only one making me feel guilty is myself.


Did you know that nobody can make you feel a certain way? Our thoughts make us feel a certain way, not other people's words or actions. It's our thoughts about those words or actions that cause the feelings to set in. Hear me out.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • "I know breastmilk is best but it's mentally draining me so I want to switch to formula. I feel SO guilty though! I should try harder. Everyone else seems to breastfeed just fine. What's my problem?"

  • "Ugh, she took her kids to the zoo today?! Mine literally watched tv all day because I had so much to get done. But I should've taken them somewhere fun. I'm the worst."

  • "I really want to work, but I feel so guilty leaving my baby! I should be able to work and take care of my baby, right? Ugh, I don't know what to do."

Do you see how every single one of those bring feelings of guilt, shame, failure and overall negativity?

Now, what if you decided to tell those thoughts "thanks but no thanks" and changed them to these:

  • "I'm feeding my baby so she can grow healthy and strong. I'm so lucky I have options to choose what feels right for us."

  • "My kids learned the entire alphabet today from bubble guppies while I got my house cleaned from top to bottom. What a productive day!"

  • "I can't believe I get to work and show my baby that it's totally possible to have your dream job AND be a great mom. Best of both worlds!"

Do you FEEL the difference in those thoughts? My life coach taught me that if you can change your thoughts, you will change your life. (If you want to read all her tips for ditching mom guilt, click HERE.)

So, mama. If you're struggling with mom guilt, write down the thoughts that are bringing that guilt into your life. Figure out what your brain is making up to make you that way. Then, CHANGE the narrative.

Write the story that you WANT your brain to tell you. Then, watch the magic happen. See how those new thoughts will change your feelings for the better.

You are doing an amazing job. You are an incredible mother. Let the mom guilt go and praise yourself for being the person that you are! Your baby loves you, exactly as you are.

