Turn Up Those Sound Machines!

The day I became a parent was the day I decided I hated fireworks. Anyone else? Why are they so loud and WHY do we have to set them off for hours? Or at midnight!? How about a nice 6pm show?

Anyways, not my point. My point is, if you're like me and the noise stresses you out with your sleeping baby, crank up that sound machine!

You can scoot it farther away from your baby's bed, but if you turn it up, chances are your baby can sleep right through them!

Even though I get annoyed by the loudness every single year, my babies have never woken up from them! Not once. Ever. And yet I stress every year about it (thank you, anxiety). I attribute them sleeping through the chaos to their ability to sleep and the use of the sound machine!

If you're on the hunt for a good one, THIS one is on sale right now and it's my absolute favorite! I own 3 of them.

I hope you have a very happy New Year! May the fireworks be less disruptive at your home than they are in ours!

You’ve got this.
