My Baby Only Wants to Be Held!

I remember when I had my first baby, I thought I was going to be SO productive during nap time when she was a newborn.... 

I soon found out that she would NOT nap unless I was holding her. Even if she was out cold, the second I set her down she would wake up. Sound familiar?

The Good and Bad News

The good news is: This is normal. 

The bad news is: This is normal. AKA this is simply part of your life for a little while, but that's okay! I promise it's temporary. And you can still hold your baby all day and have an incredible sleeper at night because remember, day sleep and night sleep are different. But let's talk about what you can do in the meantime until your baby grows out of this stage.

What to Do Until Your Baby Grows Out of This Stage

  1. Practice practice practice. Put your baby in her crib/bassinet for 5-10 minutes a few times a day, even if they are awake. Do tummy time if you can. Let someone else hold your baby for a little while. Give your baby the chance to FEEL what it's like not being attached to you all the time. I promise, you'll get there. Until then, snuggle and don't feel guilty about it.

  2. Use a baby carrier/baby wrap. When I had my second baby, I literally needed my hands to take care of my toddler (potty training, anyone!?). However, if I set him down he would scream and be wide awake. He also had acid reflux so that made it tricky. Instead of stressing about it, I decided to wrap him to my chest so he could still get good day sleep, stay upright, and I could do the things I needed to do. If you haven't tried baby wearing yet, I highly recommend it!

  3. Remind yourself that this, like most things in life, is a phase that will pass. If you think about it, your baby has been snuggled up in your womb for his/her entire life until now! With that thought in mind, is it really that shocking they want to be in your arms at all times? You are their safe space, which is pretty amazing if you ask me. They will eventually learn to be a little independent human but that will take time, practice, and patience. 

I promise someday your baby will nap on their own (start the nap training at 4 months!) and you'll be able to check off that long to-do list. And maybe, just maybe, you'll wish for these newborn snuggles to come back.

I’m rooting for you!


photo credit: @eacourts