Newborn Life WILL Get Better

I need to know if this sounds familiar or if I'm really the only one who went through this:  

I was about week 3 postpartum. I remember walking down the hall and fully collapsing onto my bed and crying hysterically for a good hour while my husband took care of our newborn baby. 

My Thoughts When I Have a Newborn

"How can I do this every single day forever? I'm so tired I can't think straight. There's no way I can keep doing this! Motherhood is 24/7 and I don't know how I'll survive without a single break, day or night! There's no clocking out. Will it always be this hard!? Will I always be this exhausted!?"

What I Wish I Could Tell Myself Then

Oh how I wish I could've seen into the future that day, even just 6 weeks into the future would've given me so much hope. 

Mama, let me be your future self and tell you everything is going to be okay. 

Soon, you'll both get into a familiar routine, your baby will start sleeping longer stretches, and your body will start to heal and put itself back together. Your baby will eventually go to bed early and you'll get your evenings back. Your baby will eventually stop spitting up all over you and you won't have to change your outfit 10 times a day. I know it's hard to believe this now, but you WILL feel like yourself again—maybe even a better version of yourself than ever before. 

Hang on tight. It WILL get better.  

i promise.
