7 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner

As a new mom, I was a wreck. I felt SO prepared going into motherhood then once my baby arrived, I felt like I was dropped into a foreign land with zero instructions and zero confidence. I felt lost, confused, and extremely inadequate. It was rough, to say the least.

However, we slowly but surely figured things out together, started sleeping through the night around 10 weeks (this made ALL the difference for me), and learned some really incredible lessons along the way.

The Seven Lessons I Would Pass On to a New Mom

I wanted to share those lessons with you because they've changed my entire experience with my other 3 babies. If I could go back, I would tell myself these 7 things:

  1. Short, irregular naps before 4 months are totally normal. Contact naps are more than acceptable 😊

  2. You can start sleep training as early as 4 weeks (*Listen to my podcast episode HERE if you have questions)

  3. 1 in 7 women will suffer from postpartum depression/anxiety. Know what to look for.

  4. ​Your baby's sleep does not define you as a mother.

  5. It's okay to say no to most things. In other words, you don't have to let people hold your newborn baby if it makes you uncomfortable.

  6. Babies can sleep through the night by 3-4 months, so hang on tight and start teaching them early! You can do this.

  7. Nobody will ever know your baby better than you. When you know something is off, speak up. Trust yourself. You are exactly the mom your baby needs.

Oh how I wish I knew these sooner! Hopefully "sooner" is right now for you 😘

you’re doing an amazing job!
