What Exactly is "Sleep Training"?

Does your body tense up a little bit when you hear the term "Sleep Training" because you think it means letting your baby cry until they “figure it out”? Well, I promise you’re not alone. I think SO many families around the world are sleep deprived because they are scared of “sleep training”, mostly because there are SO many misconceptions around this entire idea that I hope to put to rest in this post.

To me, the term “sleep training” simply means teaching your baby how to sleep in a safe, gentle and effective way. It means you are right there, supporting your baby and teaching them every step of the way. It means you are giving your baby the life skill of sleep so they can grow and develop properly because their body is getting the rest that they need.

With my method, sleep training consists of five parts: Wake time, day sleep, night sleep, feedings, and environment. In my professional and personal experience, all five of these moving parts have to work together in order to have healthy, restful sleep.

In my method, I dive deep into how you can set your baby up for success by using all of the above components to fit your baby’s needs. When wake time, day sleep, night sleep, feedings and environment are aligned with your baby’s age, that’s when the magic happens.

If you want to hear my discuss this topic in detail, check out THIS podcast episode on The Sleep Fairy Way Podcast.

happy sleeping!
