How to Stretch Wake Windows

One of the hardest things for me when it comes to teaching my baby how to sleep is to give them wake time in those early weeks/months. They basically want to sleep all day and to be honest, so do I!

However, I know how important wake windows are in the sleep training process so I put in a lot of effort to stretch their wake time in order to help them get longer stretches at night. Now, I know this can feel overwhelming at first, especially if your baby is literally sleeping all day right now, but I promise it's worth the effort. 

I want you to know that stretching wake windows can be as slow and gradual as you want it to be.

Personally, I start with just 5 minutes of extra wake time and work my way up from there. For example, if my baby takes 40 minutes to eat (yes, feeding counts as wake time) and is ready to fall asleep right after that, if I can make it to the 45 minute mark with a quick diaper change and some tummy time, I call it a huge win. I stick to that wake window for a few days until it feels comfortable and then I aim for 50 minutes. I slowly continue this process until we make it to our goal wake window based on my baby's age. 

***If you’re wondering what a good wake window is for your baby’s age, check out my Wake Windows guide.

Really struggling to extend windows? Here are some things you can try:

  1. Change baby's diaper.

  2. Change their outfit.

  3. Offer a sponge bath.

  4. Try tummy time.

  5. Step outside for some sunshine and fresh air.

If nothing you do can help your baby stay awake, it's okay! They obviously needed that extra sleep and you can try again at the next wake window.

Like with all things in sleep training, keep going. Keep trying. Don't give up. You'll get there!
