You Get to Choose Your "Normal"

Fun fact about me: I'm a massive Bachelor fan. It's almost embarrassing how much I know about Bachelor Nation... but here I am 😆

Anyway, a past contestant recently posted about how her baby is turning one, he's up all hours of the night, but she's terrified to sleep train because she can't just "let her baby scream for hours." (If you have the same fear, check out THIS podcast episode where I talk all about this.)

Naturally, thousands of people were commenting on this, so I decided to scroll through. Some comments were encouraging, others got really heated and should probably get erased, but there was one comment in particular that stood out to me.

What This Woman Thought Was Normal

It read: "All 3 of my kids woke up through the night until about 18 months. It's normal!" To which she responded, "I've heard 18 months is the sweet spot!" 😱

Mama, if this is you and you feel good about it, go for it. I'm not going to tell you to go against what your intuition tells you.

HOWEVER, if this is you and you're hating life, this does not have to be YOUR normal! Why not make a few changes that could transform your motherhood? Why not teach your baby to sleep at a young age so that you don't have to go 18+ months (or years!) without sleeping through the night?

My Normal for Sleep is SO Different

I've taught all 4 of my babies to sleep through the night by 3 months. I mean 12, uninterrupted hours of sleep. They all 4 have wildly different personalities, 2 had acid reflux, one was colicky, and they all still learned how to sleep. They are growing up and still get the rest that their bodies need because they learned how to sleep at an early age!

Mama, you get to decide what you allow to be your "normal." You get to decide if you want to be up in the night for months/years or if you want to help your baby get the rest that their body needs early on.

If you aren't sure where to start, I have a FREE guide that will give you the top 3 reasons your baby might not be sleeping, and will tell you exactly what you can do about it. Click HERE to download it.

I hope you know I'm here for you, cheering you on, no matter what.

you’re doing a really great job!
