5 Things Making My Life Easier Right Now

First of all, Happy Mother's Day! I wish I could hand each of you a beautiful bouquet of flowers and tell you all that YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB! 💞

So instead of flowers, I compiled 5 tips that are making my life easier right now. Because that's just about as valuable, right? 😉

I Am Constantly Trying to Simplify

Motherhood is so incredible, and yet it can be extremely difficult sometimes. And can we all just agree that sometimes life is busy and crazy and it feels like we can’t keep up?

It can be exhausting, and the more kids I’ve had the crazier it gets! Because of this, I’m constantly trying to simplify everything. I’m constantly trying out systems that will make my life easier. I wanted to share some with you that are working extremely well for me:

My Five Tips that Make My Life Easier

#1: My kids make their own lunches. Yes, even in Kindergarten! Check out  THIS VIDEO  of my son making his own lunch. It’s life-changing. No one is scrambling in the morning and it’s incredible.

#2: I have the same dinner plan every week broken down by category. Meal planning is one of my least favorite activities, but this has really helped me not hate it so much😂. It looks like this:

  • Monday: Pasta

  • Tuesday: Mexican food

  • Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner

  • Thursday: Crock-pot meal

  • Friday: Pizza

  • Saturday: Take out

  • Sunday: Potluck with extended family

#3: Everyone sets their clothes out at night before bed, including me. There’s no need to realize your kid is out of underwear 15 minutes before school starts! Set clothes out the night before and you’ll avoid this struggle altogether.

#4: Brain dump before bed. I can’t tell you how much this has improved my sleep! My mind runs a million miles a minute and sometimes I struggle falling asleep and staying asleep because of it. Keeping a notebook and pen on my nightstand has made it easy for me to get all of my thoughts out of my head and onto paper so I can sleep soundly knowing I won’t forget anything. To-do’s, schedules, carpools, emails, you name it. It’s all written down and I no longer need it to take up space in my head. Take 5-10 minutes to do this every night and let me know how it goes!

#5: And in case you have a newborn, I always set out the nighttime necessities before going to bed. I filled up each bottle with the correct oz of water, set the formula next to it, set out extra pajamas and swaddle blankets in case of a blowout, diapers and wipes, and anything else I might need.

I hope these tips help bring some ease and simplicity into your life like they have mine.

Try just one!
