Top 3 Myths About Sleep

I was recently talking to a mom whose kids are now grown and out of the house. We were talking about the baby-stage and she immediately changed her demeanor.

I could tell a little bit of sadness took over and she said, “Oh, how I miss those babies! I did my best, but the one regret I have is feeling like I missed out on the first year of each of my babies’ lives because I was SO tired I couldn’t enjoy it. Each day I was running off of Diet Coke and a prayer 🥤🙏🏼, just trying to survive after months and months of no sleep. If I could go back, I would prioritize sleep so I could truly be present that first year!

My heart instantly sank for her. I always think about sleep deprivation taking over mental and physical health, but I hadn’t considered sleep deprivation literally stealing memories away from motherhood! I hadn’t thought about how the lack of sleep is sucking the life out of quality family time, causing deep regret later in life! Now that is worth considering.

What is holding you back from getting the sleep your family needs? Are there thoughts running through your mind that tell you sleep is impossible right now? Let’s talk about 3 major thoughts that might be depriving you of sleep, and why it’s okay to ditch them for good!

1️⃣ “Breastfed babies can’t sleep as well as formula-fed babies”

I understand that for some mothers, breastfeeding is a HUGE goal of theirs. It is something that is special and unique to each individual, and I believe that every mother should get to decide if they want to breastfeed their baby or not. I also believe that mothers should not have to choose between sleep and breastfeeding, because you CAN have both! I have fed all four of my babies in different ways: pumped breastmilk, EBF, and just straight formula. Do you want to know how they all slept? Beautifully. Why? Because eating and sleeping are two different skills! As long as your baby is eating enough, healthy, and growing properly, you can teach your baby how to sleep. Period.

2️⃣ “Oh, you’re exhausted? Welcome to motherhood!”

Since when did we decide that being a mother means we will never sleep again? With my safe and gentle method, you can get long stretches by 6-8 weeks, and a full-night's sleep by 3-4 months. Please don’t go longer without sleep than you have to. Please don’t accept that as your new lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be that way.

3️⃣ “I just have a bad sleeper!”

I genuinely believe with all my heart that every single healthy, growing baby is FULLY capable of learning how to sleep. There is no such thing as a “good sleeper” or a “bad sleeper.” Sleep is a SKILL that must be taught. Thousands of families in over 50 countries are getting more sleep with my help, and I know I can do the same for you.

I’m right here cheering you on!
