The Four Month Sleep Regression

Raise your hand if you’ve heard of this?

One of the first fears parents have around their baby’s sleep is facing the four month sleep regression. However, from my experience working with parents, the majority of them aren’t sure why they fear it, they’ve just been taught that they should!

I’m here to change that.

First, let’s understand what this regression means and why it’s happening.

Up until four months, your baby goes through “newborn sleep cycles”, or short and irregular ones. Once they hit that four month mark (give or take a few weeks. Every baby is different!), their sleep patterns start to turn into “adult sleep cycles”, where they become more consistent and more predictable. With all of that change and development going on in their little brains, of course there will be some interrupted sleep! It’s a big deal to go through these changes!

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t teach your baby how to sleep before you get to this point (my method teaches 12 hours by 12 weeks in a safe and gentle way) and it certainly doesn’t mean your baby’s sleep is ruined forever. You simply have to be patient and give your baby time to get through this developmental milestone.

The four month regression is just one of the six major sleep regressions your baby will go through in the first two years. Yes, there are smaller ones along the way, but there are six that are most talked about (and most dreaded) that I go over in detail in my course, so you can feel prepared and ready for what’s to come and face each one with confidence.

Happy sleeping!
