To me, the term “sleep training” simply means teaching your baby how to sleep in a safe, gentle and effective way. It means you are right there, supporting your baby and teaching them every step of the way. It means you are giving your baby the life skill of sleep so they can grow and develop properly because their body is getting the rest that they need.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why there are SO many resources available to educate women on pregnancy, but very little information given to us about postpartum? I’m here to change that. Women deserve to enter motherhood feeling empowered and educated on one of the most life-changing experiences of their lives.
Read MoreDo you ever wonder if it’s possible to teach your baby how to sleep if you are sharing a room? Or have you put off teaching your baby how to sleep because you’re sure they can’t learn with you sleeping in the same space? I’m here to tell you that you can absolutely have a good sleeper, even if you are sharing a room.
Read MoreAre you worried about how you can teach your baby how to sleep when you have multiple kids? Wondering how you can practice good naps and establish night sleep when you have places to be with your other kids? Let’s talk about it!
Read MoreI was that "hot mess mom" for the first seven years of my motherhood, but I'll tell you about my big shift and how I now spend time getting ready each day. I cannot tell you the difference this has made in my productivity, my mood, and my overall confidence as a mother.
Read MoreAs a new mom, I was a wreck. I felt SO prepared going into motherhood then once my baby arrived, I felt like I was dropped into a foreign land with zero instructions and zero confidence. Having been a mom for over 10 years now, these are the seven things I would tell any new mom.
Read MoreI know it can seem so frustrating sometimes when you need to do anything hands-free, but your baby won’t be content if you set them down. Believe it or not, this will not last forever, so here are some tips to try in the meantime! You might even miss those newborn snuggles when this phase passes.
Read MoreThose early newborn weeks are some of the most exhausting, rewarding, and challenging for a parent. I know it's hard to believe this now, but you WILL feel like yourself again—maybe even a better version of yourself than ever before.
Read MoreMotherhood is incredible… and it can also be extremely draining sometimes! Remember that self-care starts with you. Take care of yourself so you can better show up for the people in your life who need you.
Read MoreIf the term “cry it out” makes you tense up, you are not alone! My sleep training method is not a cry it out method. Read more to learn what steps sleep training should entail for your baby!
Read MoreThere are a few reasons our bodies struggle to sleep after having a baby. But once you teach your baby how to sleep, let’s get your own body back on track!
Read MoreYou are not alone if you think your baby has a fussy tummy! Their little digestive systems are getting used to a lot of change when they are born.
Read MoreMotherhood can be exhausting, and the more kids I’ve had the crazier it gets! Because of this, I’m constantly trying to simplify everything. I want to share some with you that are working extremely well for me.
Read MoreBecause last week was National Infertility Awareness Week, I wanted to take a few minutes to share about my journey with infertility and talk about some of the lessons I learned along the way.
Read MoreIf you are worried about not having enough love to go around in your family with multiple kids, know that it won’t be the case. More kids can only equal one thing: more love!
Read MoreIf you're planning to travel for Spring Break but you're feeling overwhelmed at the thought of figuring out naps and night sleep during it all, I've got you covered! Check out Episode #20 of The Sleep Fairy Way podcast where I'm covering my top 5 tips for traveling with a baby.
Read MoreMaking the transition to daycare can feel overwhelming when you’ve been working on sleep training at home — but it doesn’t have to be! Let’s talk about what we can do to help our babies transition smoothly.
Read MoreYour baby's sleep does not define you as a mother. Be flexible and consistent at the same time. Adjust when and where you need to. And always remember, YOU are the perfect mom for your baby.
Read MoreAre you wondering when to move your toddler out of their crib? Moving your toddler before they are ready can actually CAUSE sleep problems and frequent night wakings, not solve them.
Read MoreAre you wondering what to do with your baby’s schedule if you will be traveling to a new time zone? Use my rule of thumb to adjust and you’ll have a great trip!
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