Four Tips for Parent and Baby Room Sharing

Do you ever wonder if it’s possible to teach your baby how to sleep if you are sharing a room? Or have you put off teaching your baby how to sleep because you’re sure they can’t learn with you sleeping in the same space?

I’m here to tell you that it’s totally possible to share a room AND to have a good sleeper. In fact, I taught all four of my babies how to sleep 12 hours at night while they were sleeping in a bassinet right next to my bed.

Whether you are sharing a room by choice or because you don’t have another option, this post will give you tips to make room sharing a positive experience for both you and your baby.

Tip #1: Create Separation

The goal is to teach your baby how to be an independent sleeper, right? In order to do this, they need to have their own space. This can be a bassinet next to your bed, a pack n play at the foot of your bed, or their own crib across the room. Regardless of where you put your baby, make sure they are in their own bed and separated from you.

If your baby is over 6 months old and extremely social, you may need a better separation strategy – like using a Slumberpod. You can use code THESLEEPFAIRY to get $10 off your order.

Tip #2: Use a Sound Machine

I cannot stress enough how important it is to use a sound machine, especially if you are sharing a room. The gentle white noise blocks out extra noise that might interrupt your baby’s sleep. Whether it’s you rolling over in bed, your partner snoring, or someone flushing a toilet nearby, a sound machine will block that out and provide a constant soothing sound for your baby. This plays a huge role in helping your baby stay asleep, even with you right there.

Tip #3: Black out the Room

If your baby can see you, chances are they are going to want to hang out! Blacking out the room will eliminate this distraction for your baby. Remember, part of teaching your baby how to sleep is making sure night time is calm, relaxing and honestly, boring. Making sure the room is completely dark will help make this possible. 

Tip #4: Put Baby to bed Independently 

Even though you are sleeping in the same room, it is important to put your baby to sleep independently long before you go to bed yourself. This will give your baby the opportunity to learn how to sleep without relying on your assistance. Once your baby is asleep, it’s totally fine to go through your bedtime routine and get into bed yourself. 

Don’t let the idea of room-sharing keep you from getting the sleep that your family deserves.

Happy sleeping!
