How to Ditch the "Hot Mess Mom" Look

Are you struggling to get out of a slump? Do you feel like you're what society calls the "hot mess mom" all the time?

I Was a Hot Mess for Seven Years

I'm here to tell you that that was me for the first 7 years of my motherhood. I lived in big, baggy clothes, my hair was in a bun 90% of the time, I rarely wore a bra and I looked like I just rolled out of bed. The worst part? I really thought this was just #momlife and that I would stay that way until someday when all of my kids were in school and I finally had time to myself.

The cover picture for this blog post? This was me living my “hot mess mom” life in 2018.

It wasn't until my daughter fell down the stairs (she was okay), I rushed her to the doctor, and spent the second half of the visit feeling embarrassed about my appearance that I realized I needed to make a change. (*Listen to the full podcast episode HERE if you want that story!*)

What Changed My Perspective

Since then, I have spent at least 5-10 minutes every morning putting myself together. Some days I have time to curl my hair and other days I wrap it in a bun, but I at least take the time now to throw a cute headband on, put some makeup on, wear a bra and actually get dressed. I cannot tell you the difference this has made in my productivity, my mood, and my overall confidence as a mother.

Because I take the time to put myself together each day, I believe I am able to shift my focus to others. I'm not wasting time and energy wondering if someone is going to show up on my doorstep and whether or not I'll have to answer the door bra-less again 🙃

Spend Time on YOU

IF you can relate to this, I encourage you to spend 5 minutes in the morning focused solely on you. Give it a week and let me know how you feel!

And if you're struggling to figure out what to wear because your body has changed so much, check out THIS podcast episode with professional stylist Jammie Baker. She's going to share all her tips on how to dress your postpartum body so you feel good.

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Trust me, mama. You deserve to feel like the beautiful, confident mother that you are.

