The entire goal with Melli Baby is to help make your nights a whole lot better. I want to support the healthy sleep habits that you've worked so hard to create. I want your independent sleeper to continue to sleep like a champ, while feeling both safe and comfortable.
Read MoreI’m just here to tell you that you are exactly the mom that your baby needs. Nobody will ever love them better than YOU. Nobody will ever know their needs more than you. And all your baby really needs is YOU! Exactly as you are. You were made for this. Trust your gut. Do your best. And know that you are doing better than you think you are.
Read MoreBut in case you need permission to simplify this year and just say no to burn out, here it is:) I give you full permission to put your mental health above everything else.
Read MoreBut in case you need permission to simplify this year and just say no to burn out, here it is:) I give you full permission to put your mental health above everything else.
Read MoreI’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: babies are not robots. This means your baby WILL have off days, and it’s going to be okay! Your baby will take short naps, skip naps altogether, stay up too late or sleep in too long. Not if, but when these things happen, it’s super easy to get back on track.
Read MoreThere will be times when your baby takes a short nap (or two), skips a nap altogether, wakes up early, goes to bed late, and everything in between. Not if, but when these things happen, follow what I like to call the “15 minute rule”. This means that whatever happens, you can adjust your baby’s schedule in 15 minute increments to get back on track by bedtime
Read MoreAs a new mom, I was a wreck. I felt SO prepared going into motherhood then once my baby arrived, I felt like I was dropped into a foreign land with zero instructions and zero confidence. I felt lost, confused, and extremely inadequate. It was rough, to say the least.
However, we slowly but surely figured things out together, started sleeping through the night around 10 weeks (this made ALL the difference for me), and learned some really incredible lessons along the way.
Read MoreResearch tells us again and again that capping off naps while your baby is learning to sleep can actually be beneficial to their ability to sleep at night. Why? Because if your baby sleeps all day long, chances are they are not going to want to sleep all night long as well. So, waking your baby from a nap during the sleep training period is a huge part of teaching your baby to sleep.
Read MoreImagine how much easier your life would be if your baby slept through the night? I’m here to help you do that in a safe, gentle and loving way.
Read MoreUp until four months, your baby goes through “newborn sleep cycles”, or short and irregular ones. Once they hit that four month mark (give or take a few weeks. Every baby is different!), their sleep patterns start to turn into “adult sleep cycles”, where they become more consistent and more predictable. With all of that change and development going on in their little brains, of course there will be some interrupted sleep! It’s a big deal to go through these changes!
Read MoreThe good news is, you're not alone if your baby is struggling with short naps! The bad news is, if your baby is under 4 months, this is completely normal.
Read More"Jessalyn, I'm feeling kind of defeated. My baby has perfect wake windows, he's eating and growing, he knows how to fall asleep independently, but he will not stay asleep for the life of me." Sound familiar?
Well, after doing some digging (I kind of feel like a detective 🕵🏻♀️ when I do this, especially in consultations. Not mad about it!) she said that her baby keeps making noises and grunting in the night, so in fear of him waking up, she hurries over to him, pops the binky in to help him "stay asleep", and within minutes he's awake and crying. This entire process repeats over and over throughout the night.
Read MoreTo me, the term “sleep training” simply means teaching your baby how to sleep in a safe, gentle and effective way. It means you are right there, supporting your baby and teaching them every step of the way. It means you are giving your baby the life skill of sleep so they can grow and develop properly because their body is getting the rest that they need.
Read MoreIf you are overwhelmed by the thought of sleep training or don’t know where to start, here are three simple things you can do to start getting more sleep today.
Read MoreAre you out of the newborn phase but ready to teach your baby independent sleep? Check out my 4-12 month mini-course that will give you everything you need in order to have predictable days and 11-12 hour nights.
Read MoreAs a new mom, I was a wreck. I felt SO prepared going into motherhood then once my baby arrived, I felt like I was dropped into a foreign land with zero instructions and zero confidence. Having been a mom for over 10 years now, these are the seven things I would tell any new mom.
Read MoreI know it can seem so frustrating sometimes when you need to do anything hands-free, but your baby won’t be content if you set them down. Believe it or not, this will not last forever, so here are some tips to try in the meantime! You might even miss those newborn snuggles when this phase passes.
Read MoreSome mamas think it is completely “normal” for their babies to not sleep through the night for the first several years of their lives. I will tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way! You can get more sleep starting TODAY.
Read MoreIf the term “cry it out” makes you tense up, you are not alone! My sleep training method is not a cry it out method. Read more to learn what steps sleep training should entail for your baby!
Read MoreYou are not alone if you think your baby has a fussy tummy! Their little digestive systems are getting used to a lot of change when they are born.
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