Having a consistent bedtime routine acts as a major sleep trigger, letting your baby know that it is time to wind down and go to sleep. See an example from me here!
Read More“Safe sleep” refers to your baby’s crib situation and what you can do to provide the safest environment possible for your baby.
Read MoreIf you have more than one child, chances are you are going to have to adjust your baby's schedule to work around school drop-off, carpool pick-up, soccer or piano lessons. It can feel overwhelming at first, but I'm here to tell you not only is it totally possible, but it's really not a big deal!
Read MoreThe New Year’s celebrations are approaching again! If you're like me and the noise stresses you out with your sleeping baby, crank up that sound machine.
Read MoreBabies make a lot of noises—that is just the way they come into this world! Since this is normal, let’s talk about tips to make your baby as comfortable as possible.
Read MoreI truly believe that everything we go through in life makes us the perfect mom for our babies. Don’t ever let anyone let you feel otherwise!
Read MoreIf your baby is no longer eating in the night but waking frequently for you to replace the binky, it's time to teach them to connect sleep cycles without it! I know your baby can learn to sleep through the night, even when it falls out!
Read MoreLet’s talk about how to make the transition for the fall Daylight Savings, even if it has already started!
Read MoreThere are so many reasons to swaddle a baby, but here I will share my top three reasons to use a swaddle to help baby feel safe and secure.
Read MoreDid you know that sleep deprivation literally affects your entire body over time? I found two recent studies that illustrate (1) the negative effects of sleep deprivation, and (2) the positive effects of a good night’s sleep.
Read MoreWhen your baby starts to roll over on their own, it’s time to unswaddle them. See my tips on how to do it here!
Read MoreThese changing seasons have me thinking about the seasons in our lives, and how busy my life seems right now. But I won’t be in this season forever, and neither will you!
Read MoreIf you have been looking for a way to teach your baby how to sleep, look no further. The Sleep Fairy Way Course is here!
Read MoreTeething can definitely interrupt your baby’s sleep. Here are some tips to help baby during this time!
Read MoreIf your newborn is having a hard time staying awake while feeding, try these ideas to help them get a full feed in.
Read MoreMany moms believe if their baby isn’t a perfect eater, then they won’t be able to learn how to sleep. This isn’t true!
Read MoreMany things in life are two steps forward, one step back. Sleep training is the same way!
Read MoreIs it possible to sleep train twins? Absolutely! If you can sleep train one, you can sleep train two at once. Learn how here.
Read MoreAge-adjusted is just learning how to do the math between your baby’s 40-week due date and their actual birthday!
Read MoreThis is a question I hear a lot, and the answer is, it depends! Let’s talk about when to wake them up, and when to not!
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