Effects of Sleep Deprivation vs. A Good Night’s Sleep

Did you know that sleep deprivation literally affects your entire body over time?⁣ I found two recent studies that illustrate (1) the negative effects of sleep deprivation, and (2) the positive effects of a good night’s sleep.

What Happens When You're Sleep Deprived?

A recent study by Stephanie Watson showed that not getting enough sleep can cause memory issues, mood changes, trouble with thinking and concentration, weakened immune systems, high blood pressure, weight gain, poor balance, increased risk of accidents (car accidents and other injuries), and increase your risk for diabetes.

What Happens When You Get Good Sleep?

On the flip side, I read an article from Parents.com that talks about the importance of both babies and parents getting enough sleep.

They said recent pediatric studies show that getting a good night’s sleep promotes healthy growth, helps the heart, helps prevent obesity in the future, helps beat the germs, reduces injury risk, increases attention span, and boosts learning. ⁣Not to mention, the overall mood in the family is much better when everyone gets enough sleep.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Why Do I Care About Sleep?

You guys. I don’t just talk about sleep because I think it’s cool. ⁣I know I sound like a broken record, but you can start sleep training at 4 weeks and your baby could be getting 12 hours of sleep as early as 12 weeks. I mean 12, uninterrupted hours of sleep.

I am so passionate about teaching my babies to sleep so that throughout their entire lives, they can get good sleep and lower their risk of the symptoms associated with lack of sleep. 

I’m so passionate about sleep because when I get enough sleep, I am the best, healthiest and happiest version of myself for them! I know, without a doubt, that my family is happier because we prioritize sleep. ⁣I know that I’m a better mom because I prioritize sleep. ⁣

And I truly, genuinely, with all my heart, want that for YOU, too. ⁣

It’s why I’m here. ⁣It’s why I love what I do. ⁣

It’s why I’m risking “failure” (whatever that means) and facing my fear of “internet trolls” and am taking time away from my beautiful family to work so I can help YOU and your baby get the sleep that you deserve. 

Sleep is important. It’s so, so important. ⁣Make it a priority. 

Let me help you! Take a look at my e-book or my 1:1 consultations and start getting more sleep today.