What Does Age-Adjusted Mean?

Did you know the majority of babies aren’t born on their due date? Actually, only about 5% are born ON their actual due date! So where does this leave the rest of babies?

Babies Born After 37 Weeks

If your baby was born after 37 weeks, they fall in the “full term” window, so you can start sleep training at four weeks from their birthday.

But what if your baby is born before 37 weeks? This is very common, especially for multiples. This is where the term “adjusted” comes into play.

Figuring Out Adjusted Age

So what does “adjusted age” mean? ⁣If your baby is born before 37 weeks, it means you count their age from their due date, not their birth date. ⁣

⁣Example: if your baby is 10 weeks old but was born at 35 weeks, your baby is “10 weeks old, 5 weeks adjusted.” 

Another example, if your baby was due on March 1st but was born 4 weeks early on February 1st, you can start sleep training 4 weeks from their due date, (8 weeks after their birth date) on April 1st. This means you would start sleep training when your baby is “9 weeks old, 4 weeks adjusted.”⁣

Sleep Training at Four Weeks Adjusted

If your baby is born before 37 weeks and you try to sleep train from their birthday, developmentally they will not be ready. However, this does not mean you can’t lay foundations for healthy sleep habits from the beginning (see my First Four Weeks Guide)! You definitely can. You simply can’t start formally sleep training until they are 4 weeks — either adjusted (born before 37 weeks) or not (born after 37 weeks). As always, make sure your baby is healthy and growing properly before any form of sleep training. But if your baby was born early, be extra aware of their growth and adjusted age.

So yes, it is 100% possible to sleep train your baby, even if they were born a preemie. Did your baby come on their due date? Or did you have your baby early? Late?⁣ Share your story in the comments!

Happy Sleeping!
