Posts in For Babies
What NOT to Say to a New Mom

Have you ever noticed that somehow everyone becomes a "baby expert" overnight when you're a new mom? 😂 From "You should try this!" to "Back in my day..."—we've heard it all!

Here are just a few that have been said to me personally:

"When are you planning to have your next child?" (I ran away crying because we were in the thick of infertility)

"You look SO tired!" Thanks? I gave birth 3 days ago and haven’t slept since because of medical complications.

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Why Should I Teach My Baby to Fall Asleep Independently?

You’ve just spent 30 minutes rocking, bouncing and swaying your baby to sleep, then went through the careful process of setting them down and walking away as slowly and quietly as possible so they don’t wake up.

You close the door behind you, let out a sigh of relief, only to hear your baby crying 30 minutes later😅. The worst part!? You have to repeat this process no less than 7 times throughout the night and neither of you get sleep.

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Stressed because your baby will only nap on you?

One of the most common concerns parents have is that their baby will only nap if they are holding them. This causes a lot of stress for parents because they feel like if they hold their baby for naps, it will form bad habits and their baby will never learn how to sleep.

I have good news for you: holding your baby for naps will not form bad habits, and it’s totally okay to soak up those snuggles!

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Planning a late night out with your baby?

We’ve all been there…you get invited to dinner at 7pm on a Friday night. The problem? Your baby goes to bed at 7pm! You don’t want to miss out, but you also don’t want your baby to get overtired, or worse, completely ruin their sleep! Sound familiar?

If so, you’re not alone! As a baby sleep consultant, I’m here to tell you that you’re totally allowed to take your baby out late every now and then, and that it is not going to ruin their sleep. You heard that right. You can take your baby to dinner, holiday parties, or wherever you’re wanting to go and not ruin their sleep. Why? Because sleep is a SKILL that is not suddenly forgotten because you had an off day or night!

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The 12 Month Sleep Regression

Let’s talk about the 12 month sleep regression. I’m sorry to tell you this but…it can be a doozy!

Before we dive in, it’s important to remember that a sleep regression is simply a developmental milestone. Nothing has gone wrong here so there’s no need to panic! In fact, when your baby hits a regression, it means they are developing right on track. That’s comforting, right? Until they start waking up in the night or refusing their naps…😅

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Contact Naps

Sadly, one of the biggest misconceptions about sleep training is that if you teach your baby how to sleep, you’ll never get to snuggle them. Can I just end this once and for all and say this is totally false? In fact, I encourage contact naps — especially during the first four moths.

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