How to Prepare for Daylight Savings

Can you believe it's almost time to change the clocks again? I will never understand it and I'm so glad that in Arizona, we just let the clocks do their thing and we leave them alone!😂

However, since the majority of you will be changing those clocks soon, let's talk about how to make the transition easier for you and your baby.

In my professional opinion, the easiest way to prepare your baby for daylight savings is to siimply move your baby’s schedule up by 10-15 minutes per day this week leading up to Sunday, March 10th.

By the time you switch the clocks, your kids will be right on track and they won’t even know the difference!


  • Wednesday: bedtime 6:45⁣

  • Thursday: bedtime 6:30⁣

  • Friday: bedtime 6:15⁣

  • Saturday: bedtime 6:00⁣

  • Sunday: bedtime 7:00⁣

You can also adjust naps the same way so their entire schedule shifts just slightly each day.

This whole "spring forward" thing can feel rough on you too because you wake up at 7:00am but it feels like 6:00am? No thanks! Go ahead and adjust your own schedule while you're at it. You'll thank me later!😉

Happy Spring!
