Are you constantly replacing the binky in the night?

Do you feel like you’re constantly replacing the binky at night? 

How do you know when it’s time to stop replacing it and just let them sleep?

If you are on step 3 in The Sleep Fairy Way Method and are eliminating night feedings by slowly pushing feedings back, apply “binky duty”, as I like to call it. This means you offer the binky instead of a feed for 10-15 minutes per waking. After those 10-15 minutes, if baby is still awake, go ahead and feed your baby.

If your baby is no longer eating in the night but is still waking between sleep cycles, you can apply the modified cry it out outlined in all of my courses. This will teach your baby how to get themselves back to sleep, even if the binky fell out!

Soon your baby will be transitioning through sleep cycles on their own and binky duty will be a thing of the past:) And right around 6-7 months, they can replace the binky on their own and it’s a game changer! Especially if you’re using a Melli Sleep Sack with a Melli Binky Link.

You’ve got this!
