Is Sickness Plaguing Your Family?

Tell me if you can relate to this:

You've been working your booty off to get your child to sleep through the night. You FINALLY feel like you're making progress then bam💥they get sick.

Suddenly your baby isn't falling asleep for naps or bedtime and needs to be held in order to go back to sleep. Then it hits you: you were so close to sleeping and now you're afraid you'll have to start all over again. Can you feel the panic start to sink in?

Good News, Your Hard Work is Not Lost!

Your baby will not forget a skill they've been working so hard on learning. Just because there is a hiccup in the road, does not mean you have to go back to the starting line.

Once your baby feels better, you can pick up right where you left off. You might have a night or two of adjustments, but you'll already be so much further ahead than you think.

Listen to my podcast Episode #6: What to do when my baby is sick? for more details!

And if your baby is already sleep-trained, know that they will go back to sleeping through the night in no time.

you’ve got this!
