Contact Naps

Raise your hand if you enjoy snuggling your baby!

Sadly, one of the biggest misconceptions about sleep training is that if you teach your baby how to sleep, you’ll never get to snuggle them.

Can I just end this once and for all and say this is totally false? In fact, I encourage contact naps — especially during the first four moths.

Why? Because day sleep and night sleep are different and use different signals and areas of the brain. AND naps don’t develop until after 4 months. For these two reasons alone, it’s absolutely possible to snuggle your baby for naps and still teach them to sleep 12 hours at night, independently in their own bed.

So, if your baby is 4 months or under and will only nap on you, it’s okay! Soak it up.

No. This won’t form bad habits. No. This won’t confuse your baby for night sleep. I taught all 4 of my babies to sleep 12 hours at night while still enjoying their tiny little body in my arms during nap time. Those are some of my favorite moments in the newborn phase!

If you’ve been hesitant to snuggle your baby during naps, drop the guilt and enjoy every minute:)

happy sleeping!

PS. IF your baby is over 4 months and struggling with short naps, check out my free short naps guide HERE.