The 12 Month Sleep Regression

Raise your hand if you enjoy snuggling your baby!

Let’s talk about the 12 month sleep regression. I’m sorry to tell you this but…it can be a doozy!

Before we dive in, it’s important to remember that a sleep regression is simply a developmental milestone. Nothing has gone wrong here so there’s no need to panic! In fact, when your baby hits a regression, it means they are developing right on track. That’s comforting, right? Until they start waking up in the night or refusing their naps…😅

Speaking of naps, this is the major sign that your baby is hitting the 12 month regression. Right around 12 months, your baby will likely start boycotting the second nap and having early morning wakings. Often, parents will see this and think, “welp, she must be ready for one nap!”

Hear me loud and clear: Resist the urge to move to one nap! This is simply the 12 month sleep regression and it WILL pass.

Remember, wake windows at this age are 3-4 hours (see FREE Wake Windows Guide HERE), so moving to one nap will stretch that wake time longer than they are ready for, developmentally.

Tell yourself again and again, “this is a regression and we will get through it!”

Yes, it’s rough. Yes, it can last a few weeks. But if you stay consistent, your baby will go back to taking that second nap for another 3-6 months🙌🏼.

happy sleeping!
