Ten Quick and Easy Self-care Tips for the Holiday Season

I don’t know about you, but over the years I have let the holiday season drain me to below empty, and that’s not how I want to live! When that happens, not only do I suffer, but everyone around me suffers as well🙈. The holiday season can be magical, beautiful, peaceful and FUN! But only if you have the capacity to enjoy it and not spread yourself too thin. Now that I’ve learned this, I do everything I can to avoid burn out so I can genuinely enjoy the entire season.

What can you do to prevent this burn out?

Self care. I feel like that term is thrown around a lot — and we feel like we have to go get a massage or go to Hawaii for a week to feel recharged. While both of the above are preferred options of self care, they aren’t always realistic. Sadly. 😂

So, instead of telling you unrealistic ways to keep yourself energized and calm during the holiday season, I’m going to tell you 10 quick and easy things you can do to take care of YOU. Because remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup! Take care of YOU, so you can better take care of those around you.

Ten simple ways to take care of YOU:

  1. Get dressed everyday. As Jammie Baker always says, “it takes just as long to put on a pair of sweatpants as it does jeans. Just wear the jeans so you feel better!”

  2. Brain dump daily. I personally like to do this with a pen and paper, but if you have to type it into your phone, that’s okay, too! The goal is to simply get all the thoughts running through your brain on paper. This creates SO much space in my brain and I always feel 10 times calmer when I’m done. It helps to visually see and sort through the thoughts in your head. What needs to be done, what you can let go of, what’s causing unnecessary anxiety, etc. It’s a game-changer. Try it!

  3. Step outside for fresh air and sunlight. No explanation needed. Just do it!

  4. Keep healthy, feuling snacks on hand. This is probably one of the hardest ones for me. However, when I keep my fridge stocked with veggies, fruit, protein bars and other healthy snacks, my body thanks me and so does my blood sugar! Stable blood sugar = stable mood.

  5. Make your bed. Studies show time and time again that making your bed is so good for your mental health in many ways. And it takes maybe 30 seconds?! If you haven’t heard the phrase “Make your bed, change your life”, google it😉

  6. Catch up with a friend. As an introvert, 1:1 conversations fill me right up. Whether it’s a text, phone call, FaceTime or Marco polo, I need these interactions to fuel my soul! And if you need a friend, reach out to me❤️

  7. Plan a night out by yourself or with friends. Depending on what gives you energy, set aside time, even just an hour, to leave your responsibilities behind and get out of the house. You can drive thru somewhere and get a treat, meet a friend for dinner, or get a pedicure. Whatever you decide, put it on the calendar and don’t bail on yourself!

  8. Go for a drive and listen to music. Music is so good for you! Blast your favorite song, roll the windows down and soak it in.

  9. Ditch your phone for a few hours. This one is by far the hardest one for me, but I’m working on it! Giving your brain a mental break from being needed or being notified is incredible. Try it!

  10. Delete social media for the week of Christmas (or all of December!). I did this for the first time last year and wowwowwow was it amazing. My favorite part was having nothing or nobody to compare my life to! No guilt over not doing specific traditions, no jealousy of people traveling or getting specific gifts for their children, nothing! I was able to be 100% present with my beautiful little family for Christmas and I loved every second. 10/10 recommend and I will be doing it again this year!

I hope one (or all) of these give you the boost you need to enjoy this time of year with the ones you love.
