I genuinely believe you are all capable of teaching your (healthy, growing) baby how to sleep, regardless of your baby’s personality. Sleep is not luck!
Read MoreIf you are wondering how The Sleep Fairy Way was born, read all the details of my journey to becoming a sleep consultant here.
Read MoreIn order for your baby to learn to sleep all night, they need to be growing properly and getting in enough nutrition during the day.
Read MoreNot everyone has the luxury of every child having their own room, so try these room-sharing tips for siblings who need to be roommates!
Read MoreSome people wonder if they can ever rock their baby to sleep again once they sleep train. Here are the situations when that is okay!
Read MoreShort, irregular naps can be normal before a baby is 4 months old, but if your baby is 5+ months old and still struggling with short naps, try these tips.
Read MoreIf you’re having problems with your baby’s diaper leaking as they sleep longer stretches at night, try these tips!
Read MoreIf your baby is older than 12 weeks, pushing baby’s bedtime back can actually cause MORE night wakings and/or earlier morning wake times.
Read MorePostpartum depression is not just a buzzword. It is horrible, and it sucks the life out of you one day at a time. The good news is there are so many resources out there to help you get back to feeling like YOU. Educate yourself and your partner on all the symptoms to watch for.
Read MoreGetting naps in while traveling can be tough, but you might be surprised at the ways you can help your little one get some sleep while you’re on the go!
Read MoreIf your baby struggles with early morning wakings, use these tips to assess what the problem might be so you can get them sleeping a little later!
Read MoreMake sure you have the right wake windows during the day so that your baby will be ready for a full night’s sleep at the end of the day! Day sleep and night sleep complement each other.
Read MoreDid you know you can start the sleep training process as early as 4 weeks? Did you know you can establish healthy sleep foundations from day one?
Read MoreYes, babies with acid reflux can still learn to sleep. Look for common symptoms and learn how to help your baby, and you’ll get through it!
Read MoreIf your baby has been struggling with nights, take a look at their day and make sure they are getting plenty of sleep for their age range. Day sleep makes a huge difference in your baby's night sleep!
Read MoreI am opening the doors for enrollment on my sleep course this Thursday! Get in on the bonuses before they expire. Can’t wait to see you inside!
Read MoreMy husband came up with a system for us to use with our newborns so we were both getting some sleep. I want to share it with you here!
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