Survival Tips Before Sleep Training


Can I tell you something?

You don’t have to do this whole motherhood thing alone.

See that guy right there? He taught me that. And he’s the first to jump in and help before I reach my breaking point. We are a team.

We’ve come up with a system that worked so well for us for all four babies during the newborn. I’ve shared it before and I’ll share it again because it’s a game changer.

Now, know that I’m 100% okay with bottles. Pumping breastmilk or giving formula, doesn’t matter. I’ve done it all. Fed is best. So even when I was BF, I pumped the last bottle of the day and froze some breastmilk to make middle-of-the-night bottles. So, with that in mind, here’s what we do:

7:00pm: mom feeds and goes to bed.
10:00pm: dad feeds and goes to bed.
1:00am: mom feeds
4:00am: dad feeds
7:00am: mom feeds

Do you see how we each get a 6-hour stretch in there? Then we take turns on the weekends doing all the night feeds so we can each sleep for a full night.

I’ve heard moms say “but my husband has work and I feel guilty! I don’t want him to be tired!”

Well, from the mouth of my husband — “YOU have work, too. Around the clock. It never stops. And it’s way harder and more demanding than my job will ever be.”

I understand some situations just can’t allow this — night shifts, traveling for work, etc.

But if you’re in a place where you CAN get help, don’t feel guilty for receiving it. You can do this! But you don’t have to do it alone.