"Ta-da!" List instead of "To-do" List


I don't know about you, but I've been in a little funk lately. I've felt overwhelmed and feel like I can't keep up with laundry, housework, work, kids' schedules, self-care and the list goes on. You get the idea. Tell me I'm not alone!?

Luckily this isn't the first time this has happened to me and I know it won't be the last, so I'm turning to the one thing that has helped me get through these little ruts in the past: make a “ta-da” list. It's kind of like a to-do list but instead, it's a list of the things you've already done that day (see Gretchen Rubin’s “Happier” podcast episode 134 for more details!)

Here's mine from today:

  • Made my bed

  • Got dressed and ready

  • Made and cleaned up breakfast

  • Got my kids dressed, ready, and off to school

  • Changed 6 diapers

  • Emptied and loaded the dishwasher

  • Made lunch

  • Cleaned the kitchen

  • Worked for 2 hours during nap time

  • switched and folded a load of laundry

  • put said laundry away

  • drove kids to gymnastics and soccer

  • helped with homework

  • Made dinner

  • cleaned the kitchen again

  • bathed 3 kids and got them ready for bed

  • put 4 kids to bed

  • responded to emails

  • ordered groceries

  • tidied up before bed

  • did my skincare routine

  • went to bed at a decent hour

Isn't it crazy that even after doing all of those things, my brain still wants to tell me I'm doing nothing!? That I'm behind on everything and failing? Sometimes we need to tell our thoughts "Thanks, but no thanks," especially if the thought isn't serving you.

So, if you are in a funk and feeling like you're not doing everything you "should" be doing, I highly recommend making a “ta-da” list. Seeing these little wins written down makes me feel better every single time. It reminds me that I am doing a good job, and so are you.

I promise you'll be surprised at all that you actually do in a day. You'll feel proud of yourself for all that you do! That alone gives me a boost of confidence and helps me get my groove back.

Give it a try and let me know if it helps you!

You’re doing a great job, mama!
