Sleep is Not Luck!

I remember when our oldest first started sleeping through the night and people would make comments like, “you are SO lucky! We have a terrible sleeper” or “don’t get used to that, they don’t all come that way!” ⁣

I would just nod and smile but my husband would always step in and say “It’s not luck. My wife has worked so hard to teach her how to sleep and it’s paid off.” ⁣

Teaching Babies to Sleep is Possible!

This situation has happened so many times over the years and it goes about the same way… I smile and nod and my husband speaks up.⁣ Sleep is NOT luck!

This is actually one of the most controversial topics I post about on Instagram. They tell me I just got lucky with every baby, like my babies had the “right” personality to be taught how to sleep. I can tell you that each of my four kids has SUCH a different personality, and they were all sleeping 12 hours by 12 weeks. ⠀⠀⠀

I genuinely believe you are all capable of teaching your (healthy, growing) baby how to sleep, regardless of your baby’s personality. It takes time, effort, consistency, and HARD WORK. But it’s totally possible and oh so worth it!

Let me help you. Read the e-book. Ask me your questions. You can do this! I promise.

Happy Sleeping!
