Why Separate Eating and Sleeping?

Let me know if this sounds familiar:

“I nurse my baby to sleep for bedtime and she keeps waking up couple hours in the night. Why?!”

When we transition from one sleep cycle to the next, we want everything to be the exact same as it was when we fell asleep the first time.

If your baby falls asleep with a bottle in their mouth, they’re going to expect that when they are transitioning through sleep cycles. The same is true if they fall asleep while nursing.

So, what can you do about this?

Separate food and sleep. The easiest way to do this is to move the feeding to the beginning of the bedtime routine instead of having the feed at the end.

For example: Feed, then do the bedtime routine, then place your baby in bed awake.

Once they learn to fall asleep on their own, they will better be able to transition through sleep cycles independently.

If you feel like you’re too far gone and there’s no way your baby would do this, don’t panic! My method is designed to walk you through 4 simple steps in order to teach your baby how to sleep in a safe and gentle way. You can find all of the resources I offer HERE.

I’m here to help. You’ve got this!

