Sleep Deprivation is NOT Motherhood

I recently saw a post on social media that broke my heart while simultaneously fired me right up. It said something along the lines of “If you’ve only slept a total of 3 hours in the last 6 months, I’m right there with you. Welcome to motherhood!”

The worst part? The comments. The comments were going on and on about how “Yep, that’s what we signed up for!” or “This is normal! Hang on tight, it’ll get better eventually. We are on year 3 and are slowly seeing improvements!”.

Mamas. PLEASE hear me out: sleep deprivation is not motherhood! Nor does it have to be a part of your motherhood. YOU get to decide!

I decided long ago that sleep was going to be a priority in my family. I wanted to make sure that my babies were getting the sleep that their little bodies needed to grow, and that I was getting the sleep that I needed as well so I could show up as the best version of myself for them.

And guess what? That’s exactly what happened! With all 4 of my babies, we were all sleeping through the night by (usually before) 12 weeks! And there was no crying involved. I simply taught them how to sleep in a safe, gentle and loving way from the very beginning. And since then, I’ve helped thousands of families in over 50 countries around the world do the same thing.

If you are totally fine with no sleep, great. Do what works best for you!

However, if you are overwhelmed, exhausted, irritable, and would give anything to get more sleep, now is the time to do it. I’m right here, ready to help you!

Not sure where to start? Make sure your baby is having appropriate wake windows during the day to help promote better sleep at night. I have a FREE wake windows guide that will tell you exactly what wake windows should look like based on your baby’s age. You can snag that HERE.

And if you need more support, reach out. I offer 1:1 consulations and I’d love to help.

Don’t go longer without sleep than you need to❤️

