When the Binky Keeps Falling Out

One of the most frustrating things is knowing your baby can sleep great, but they keep waking up because their binky keeps falling out. In these moments, it’s easy to think “Maybe I should just get rid of it!”. Please hear me out when I say: I promise it’s worth it to push through!

Here’s why:

Right around 6 months, your baby will be able to replace the binky on their own and it will serve as an incredible tool for the next 2.5 years of their life! They will be able to replace it when they wake up, when they are sad in the car, or when they are just crawling around being cute☺️. And if you’re using The Melli Baby Sleep Sack and Binky Links, you’ll never have to worry about night wakings from losing the binky again!

But what about before then? What about the few months where it feels like you’re replacing the binky all night long, even though the night feedings have been eliminated? Here are a few things you can do:

  1. Gently pull the pacifier out of your baby’s mouth soon after they fall asleep. This gives them the chance to feel what it’s like to sleep without it, even though it helped soothe them at bedtime.

  2. Apply a modified cry it out outlined in my course whenever your baby wakes up from the binky falling out. This will give them a few minutes to connect the sleep cycles on their own without it.

  3. Allow your baby to fall asleep without it at bedtime, but offer it in the night as needed.

Again, I know it feels tricky when you’re in the tick of it, but if you can hang tight and teach your baby to connect sleep cycles in the night without it, soon they can replace it on their own and it will change your life for the years to come:)

You’ve got this!

