Are Naps on-the-go Okay?

Have you ever tried to nap in a car or on an airplane? Do you wake up feeling totally rested or kinda blah?

For me, I always feel kinda blah. I mean, sure, I fell asleep. But my body was in motion so it couldn’t get into a real, deep sleep.

Babies are the same way! It’s pretty hard for their body to get good, restorative sleep if they are on the move every time they go to sleep.

Now, trust me when I say I understand that sometimes, babies just need to sleep on-the-go! Carpool, dance, soccer, gymnastics, doctor’s appts., etc. can’t wait for naps. Sadly. 😂

My suggestion? Do your best.❤️

If you know you have an appt during your baby’s second nap, try to make their first nap a good one in their crib.

If your baby is having an off day and will only fall asleep in the swing? That’s okay! Let them:)

If you are doing your best to keep them home for the majority of naps, great! It’s totally okay to be flexible and let them sleep “in motion” sometimes.

Keep in mind, this is for babies over 4 months. If you’ve read my eBook or taken my course, you know that naps do not develop until then. Before 4 months, your baby can nap anywhere they sleep best:)

And if you’re struggling with short naps and simply don’t know where to start, I have a FREE short naps guide. You can grab that here!

